
Roni Lekar
Game Developer & Ludologist

Hands on techy, passionate for UI, UX and game development.
Constantly developing games in the spare time.
Took a main part in developing games used by millions.
Excited about researching and developing in the field of Serious Games.

Currently working on games and simulations for medical surgeons at ZHAW Institut für angewandte Informationstechnologie (InIT) as a tech lead, head of design & research associate.

Has a masters in Game Design from the Zürich University of the arts (ZHdK), focusing on Serious Games and a bachelor in Computer Science from the Hadassah Academic College in Jerusalem (HAC).

As a team leader in the IDF, initiated designed and developed games used by tens of thousands of users for medical training. Graduated the IDF with distinction.

Throughout the years designed and developed multiple websites for various customers, both private as well as organizations.

Vast experience in designing and developing from scratch to a working product.


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