“Profilicity”, a combination of the words “profile” and “authenticity”, describes a rapidly growing form of identity formation. It implies that people form their identities through online profiles. Given the popularity of beauty filters on social media, this means that people are not only identifying with their enhanced digital selves but are also striving to live up to that in their physical bodies.
This project was submitted by Lea Ermuth as part of the MA in Design specializing in Interaction Design at ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste – Zurich University of the Arts)
This work examines the impact of modern technologies on our identity and appearance in the context of self-determination and self-optimization. Lea Ermuth wants to consciously provoke by exploring a deeply human issue like identity and questioning the human ability to be authentic.
In the media: dezeen
MA Thesis: SELF-ME, website
Interaction Design at ZHdK website
Mentors: Verena Ziegler & Stella Speziali
Lea Ermuth – Ideation, 3D modeling, rigging, key shapes, and UI
Roni Lekar – Programming, Unity and X-Sense integration