This website is the research portal of the Zurich Centre for Creative Economies (ZCCE), a research center within the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). It is dedicated to research, teaching, incubation, and consultancy in the field of creative economies.
Director of publication: Christoph Weckerle
Editors: Frédéric Martel and Roman Page
Editorial coordinator & Communication: Lilla Lukacs
Web Developer: Roni Lekar (me)
Editorial board: Claudio Bucher ; Théo Corbucci ; Matthieu Dartiguenave ; Simon Grand ; Carole Guertler ; Benoît Gufflet ; Peter Haerle ; Mazen Hayek ; Desmond C. Hui ; David Lavaud ; Fabien Oderbolz ; Sebastiano Peter ; Andy Pratt* ; Abbas Saad ; Consueilo Seizar ; Joanna Woronkowicz.